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The story: a touching story of girl who like many others makes the wrong choice in life – and pays for it. Club Paradise – Free – The film, also known as Sensation Hunters, was directed by Christy Cabanne.Jones (Barry Sullivan) when he suddenly dropped dead.

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Cause for Alarm! – Free – Ellen (Loretta Young) narrates the tale of “the most terrifying day of my life”, how she was taking care of her bedridden husband George Z.Borderline – Free – Fred MacMurray and Claire Trevor are caught in Mexican dope-smuggling ring, fearing each other is involved, but both undercover agents.They all die mysteriously afterwards though. Blonde Ice – Free – A society reporter keeps herself in the headlines by marrying a series of wealthy men.When a scheming fortune hunter finds his rich wife is not going to die as expected, he and his lover make other plans to get her millions. Police lieutenant Sam Carson investigates a political murder after the victim is dumped at the door of police headquarters.

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